Our Mission

SimGear is committed to creating the most functional, performance-driven equipment and the most affordable, high-quality motion simulators on the market.

Our History

SimGear was founded in 2015 by active racer Zach Davis. Being a flight enthusiast for most of his life, his first venture into simulation was Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0. While his passion for flight was strong, eventually, racing grew stronger.

In 2011, racing gave Zach a good excuse for building his own personal in-home simulator. In Chicago, there is race season and simulator season. Being able to race friends, throw back a few beers, and just enjoy the thrill of competition and racing in the bleakest months of Chicago winters was very fun, but it also kept his skills sharp and ready for next season, as well as learning and practicing new skills.

This passion drove Zach to develop his own commercial-quality racing sim. Zach Partnered with known driver Cam Murphy to build a product and team at the highest levels of simulation. The team has spent over 8 years in R&D. Today, it is known as SimGear.

Our Values

Racing is our DNA

We are built for the long miles

Our passion drives quality

Our pit crew works harder